
Book Review: Reached by Ally Condie

Book 1: Matched ( MY REVIEW )
Book 2: Crossed ( MY REVIEW )

Title: Reached
Author: Ally Condie
Publisher: Dutton Children’s Books
Release Date: November 2012
Pages: 512
Series: Matched #3
4 Stars: I Really Liked It

After leaving Society and desperately searching for the Rising—and each other—Cassia and Ky have found what they were looking for, but at the cost of losing each other yet again: Cassia has been assigned to work for the Rising from within Society, while Ky has been stationed outside its borders. But nothing is as predicted, and all too soon the veil lifts and things shift once again.

In this gripping conclusion to the #1 New York Times-bestselling Matched trilogy, Cassia will reconcile the difficulties of challenging a life too confining, seeking a freedom she never dreamed possible, and honoring a love she cannot live without.

My Thoughts:
This review is really late! I read this book weeks ago!

I loved these characters! Reached, the final book in the Matched series, featured points of view from the three main characters: Cassia, Ky, and XANDER! Oh Xander … what can I say about how wonderful he was?! Ky was a great guy too. His life had been difficult, but he showed his strength with his devoted love to Cassia. Cassia learned new things about herself and her society. I enjoyed watching her progress. My only complaint would be that it felt slow at times, but I understand that not every book can be all action and romance.

I have to say that this is the BEST ending to any series I’ve ever read! I’ve never been more happy with the ending of a series. Their lives at the end were definitely not perfect, but I felt that everything worked out like it should. I’m not going to spoil the read for anyone so I’ll just say that during a romantic scene at the end I was totally crying and saying things like, “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!” as my voice got higher and squeakier. Hahaha you know a romance is beautiful when it makes me cry.

This was a great series! You all should read it!

Content Ratings: highlight between ( ) to view details
Sexual Content: mild ( kissing )
Language: very mild ( d***-7 )
Violence:  very mild ( plague with deaths )
review 1
Reviewed by Kathryn Cooper
Creator of Clean Teen Fiction

Books By Ally Condie  (Click cover to view on Amazon)

9 thoughts on “Book Review: Reached by Ally Condie”

  1. Marty- I totally understand. It took me 2 weeks to finish it which is unusual for me too. The plague details and events slowed it down because I prefer lots of action and/or romance. If you're halfway through it should start to pick up soon. The ending really is great! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas break! It's so fun to hear from you.


  2. I just cannot get into this one! I LOVED Crossed and Matched so when I saw Reached I snatched it up so fast. I have had it a couple weeks and I usually devour a book. But for some reason I feel it is so slow moving and disjointed that I am not interested in reading it. I about 1/2 way through and have finished 3 or 4 books since I started Reached. (That is very unusual for me.) I'm glad to read that the ending is good, maybe I will have some time to read it during Christmas break. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and your family Kathryn! I hope all is wonderful and bright for your holiday! Love, Marty


  3. AH! I got my copy and I wan't wait to finally read it!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE ALLY and her books. So psyched to finish and see what she has coming next! 😀


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