Books I’ve Read


Middle Grade/ Young Adult Reviews

New Adult/ Adult Reviews


When I read a book I like to know what I’m getting into. There’s nothing worse than starting a book and having to put it away unfinished because I didn’t like the content. I want to help you out by giving you a choice. It’s up to you what amount of content you are up to reading. That’s why I rate the content and give descriptions so it’s not just my opinion. And I don’t read books with heavy content (rated R).

Sexual Content:
none: compared to G rated movies
mild: compared to PG rated movies
moderate: compared to PG-13 rated movies
heavy: compared to R rated movies

none: compared to G rated movies
mild: compared to PG rated movies
moderate: compared to PG-13 rated movies
heavy: compared to R rated movies

none: compared to G rated movies
mild: compared to PG rated movies
moderate: compared to PG-13 rated movies
heavy: compared to R rated movies

includes teenage drug/alcohol use, law breaking, or other issues