
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige: Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly post where I share a book I’m anxiously waiting to be published. hosted by Breaking the Spine

Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige. April 2014. HarperTeen. Goodreads.

I didn’t ask for any of this. I didn’t ask to be some kind of hero.
But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?
Sure, I’ve read the books. I’ve seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can’t be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There’s still the yellow brick road, though—but even that’s crumbling.What happened?
Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.

My name is Amy Gumm—and I’m the other girl from Kansas.
I’ve been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked.
I’ve been trained to fight.
And I have a mission:
Remove the Tin Woodman’s heart.
Steal the Scarecrow’s brain.
Take the Lion’s courage.
Then and only then—Dorothy must die!

I know this came out YESTERDAY!! But I really wanted to feature it and didn’t get around to it sooner. Doesn’t it sound good? I know the cover looks like a horror book, and I’m NOT into horror. The summary doesn’t sound freaky though. It just sounds exciting and full of action. I mean a book with Dorothy as the bad guy?! That sounds epic! I’m looking forward to seeing reviews soon on this one.

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10 thoughts on “Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige: Waiting On Wednesday”

  1. I’ve been so looking forward to this one, as well, because it sounds completely unlike anything I’ve read before! The only thing is I read that it is a bit more adult, quite a few F bombs and such, which I could probably do without.


    1. It does sound thrilling! Thanks for letting me know about the language. That’s too bad. I’ll have to check out some reviews with content ratings. The world has enough of that kind of language so why would I want to force it into my brain?! 🙂


  2. I have been looking forward to this ever since I heard of it. The most devastating thing happened yesterday: we discovered that the copy I ordered for the library arrived DAMAGED and we had to return it! So now I have to wait at least another two weeks to get my grabby, grabby hands on it! So sad for me. I hope you get a copy sooner! ~Megan


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