
Stacey’s Big Crush by Ann M. Martin: 4 of 5 STARS MG Review

Stacey’s Big Crush (The Baby-Sitters Club #65) by Ann M. Martin. 1993. Scholastic. Goodreads.

Stacey’s in luv again! Wes looks like a movie star, he’s a genius, and he has the most perfect smile in the world. (Or so Stacey thinks.) There’s only one problem – Wes is Stacey’s substitute math teacher.


I didn’t read a lot growing up, but I was a huge fan of The Baby-Sitters Club. If I was going to read a book it would be one from Ann M. Martin’s huge row of options.

Stacey’s Big Crush is such a funny read. I loved reading it! This brought back so any memories of my younger years. I love that this was in junior high and full of a crush. I definitely had huge crushes while in junior high. The boys were never old enough to be a student teacher. Wow, Stacey had guts in this book. I crushed on guys close to my age. They probably never knew about my crush on them and never will.

Stacey’s Big Crush by Ann M. Martin was such a fun read that took me back in time. How many of you have read any books from The Baby-Sitters Club? Do you have a favorite one? Did you have huge crushes in junior high like Stacey did?

Content Ratings: highlight between ( ) for details
Sexual: none
Language: none
Violence: none

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