stacking the shelves

Stacking the Shelves (12)

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tygna’s Reviews, is where bloggers list the books they recently acquired. The books can come from anywhere: publisher, author, giveaway, library, bought.

Click the book’s cover to view on Amazon and the title to add to your GoodReads.

For Review:
eARC of Poison by Bridget Zinn
Persuaded by Jenni James (MY REVIEW)
Emmalee by Jenni James (MY REVIEW)
The Keeper’s Calling by Kelly Nelson
The Keeper’s Quest by Kelly Nelson

Thank You to Disney Book Group via NetGalley and Inkberry Press for my review copies!

4 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (12)”

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  2. Yay it's so fun to hear from you again Hannah! I feel like it's been awhile. The Jane Austen Academy books were so fun and Poison was great! That review should be up soon.
    My book is still in the editing/revision process. Boo!! Why does it take so long?! Probably because I'll work every day for a week then take 2 weeks off or something. 😀


  3. AWESOME BOOKS! I need to read the Jane Austen books! They look totally ADORBS! And I love Jenny so much! She's way fun to talk to! I'm gonna have to fix this. Haha. Eep! Poison! I can't wait to read that one. I can't wait to see what you think!

    <333 Inky
    Psst. how's your book coming?


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