
Book Review: Poison Me by Cami Checketts

image and summary from Goodreads

Title: Poison Me
Author: Cami Checketts
Publisher: Creatspace
Release Date: March 2013
Pages: 268
Series: none
4 STARS: I Really Liked It

Jake Merrill was raised by his grandmother, Ruby, and her hilarious friends. After a suspicious death at the retirement home where Ruby lives, she enlists Jake and Chanel, the beautiful activities director, to help her find the killer. But secrets Ruby has kept for decades threaten her family and the man she’s always loved but could never have. Chanel’s unstable ex-boyfriend, a presumably dead relative, and vicious criminals add to the confusion. Time is running out as Jake, Chanel, and Ruby desperately search for clues to solve the murders and fight to save those they love.

My Thoughts:
I have really enjoyed reading many of Cami Checketts’s books recently. They are fun and romantic. Her other series was more romance/action/suspense while this one was more romance and mystery. The three main characters with POVs were Jake, his grandma Ruby, and Chanel, with a little from the “bad” guy.

I loved that Ruby had a little romantic plot line going on, too cute. Ruby did not want to take the police’s word for it that her friends in the retirement home had died of “old age.” She believed they were murdered and had to prove it. Ruby was cute and feisty. I didn’t think I would connect to a character that much older than me, but I really did. She was too fun.

Jake was rugged, handsome, and a devoted grandson. I loved the scenes with him and Ruby’s retirement friends teasing him. Hilarious! Chanel loved her job at the retirement home, especially when Jake came to visit. I loved the romance building throughout from both couples.

There wasn’t a ton of scenes with Jake’s sister Brinley, but I would love to read her life as a single mom in the next book. She was a strong woman.

Poison Me was funny and utterly romantic for all ages! 

Content Ratings: highlight between ( ) to view details
Sexual Content: mild ( kissing, mention of illegitimate child )
Language: very mild ( h***-2 )
Violence: mild ( dead bodies found, hostage at gunpoint, fighting )

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